
Teach gratitude!

The simplest way to feel abundance and fulfillment is gratitude. Think of all the old sayings like, "count your blessings," or "stop and smell the roses,"  the point is the same. We're happier with what we have when we're thankful for it. Noticing the good in life makes it mean more.

I've always liked that Thanksgiving comes before Christmas. Thanksgiving is a time to look over the year and all that's occurred and give thanks for the good, be it, health, success for ourselves or others, or our families and friends, we all have so much to be glad for in our lives, no matter what's gone wrong. Giving thanks for the good comes first, and after that we give and receive those lovely gifts to celebrate end of a year of each others' love and friendship. Whether you're religious or not, there's so much value in thankfulness and giving.

 Our ancestors who competed to fill basic needs probably survived because they had that instinct to grab what they wanted, regardless of what anyone else got. But we don't need to do that anymore. We can survive without grabbing everything we see.  We have to learn not to let that greedy instinct win over. We all know that feeling like we don't have enough makes us insecure and unhappy. We have to be taught to be happy with what we have. It's a skill, just like learning how to open a bottle. When you know how to stop and give thanks for what you have, you'll find you're happier with your life.

You can grow your sense of abundance in life by discussing everyday events with your partner, friends or family members to highlight the good. Talk about the good things that have happened. Ask them, what are they happy for? Think of the humbler things: a warm comfy bed, a good dinner, with breakfast on its way in the morning. Tell them the humble things you're grateful for. This way you're making the sharing of thankfulness a daily part of life. You will begin to look at your day for examples of things to be grateful for.

That's the real secret to a sense of abundance. You don't need a lot to be happy, you just need to appreciate what you have. And those who learn this lesson will be able to draw strength from it throughout their lives.